
Think of a collection like a folder. It holds documents. Each document needs a folder (or “collection”) to live in. When you search, you’re looking through documents in a specific collection.

A collection consists of:

  • A name that you set during creation. It must be unique and there are some additional restrictions.
  • documents stored within it.

If you submit documents without specifying their collections, they will automatically be stored in a default collection named personal.

Working with collections

Working with collections in Memora is straightforward. You can create, delete, and update them according to your needs.

Creating a collection

In Memora, you don’t need to manually create a collection. Take a look at this snippet:

The The Answer to [...] document will be stored in the book-citations collection — if that collection doesn’t exists, Memora will create it.

That’s how collection creation works: the first time you add something to a new collection, Memora creates that collection for you.

Collection name

Certain rules apply when naming your collection. Here’s what you can include:

English lettersabcXYZ
Special characters (_, -, ., @ and :)@abc.1:23-XYZ_

Searching within a collection

To find documents within a specific collection, use memora.in().

If you don’t specify a collection name in memora.in(), Memora will automatically use your default collection — named personal — for the search.

Deleting a collection

To delete a collection, use memora.delete() passing the modifier .collection(name).

Please be cautious when deleting a collection. This action will also erase all documents contained within the collection.


To learn more about limits related to documents, refer to this page.